I’ve been running my own Virtual Assistant business for eight years, working with businesses of all sizes across various sectors. Through my experience, I’ve observed common mistakes that can arise - not just when businesses start searching for a VA, but also while working with one. These insights have given me the opportunity to share what to watch out for. So keep reading because I hope to help you avoid these sometimes costly mistakes and ensure your process to hiring and working with a VA is smooth, productive and successful.
I can't help if YOU don't know what you need doing
This is the BIG one! My most successful working relationships with clients are those that know what work they can and want to outsource. It may seem obvious, but it's really important to spend some time thinking about the tasks you wish to delegate. I have a task sheet which can help you identify which tasks you could outsource, that you can find here.
Yes, it can be difficult to set aside time to do this when you're already super busy but it's time well spent. And of course, when you have an understanding of the type of tasks you need doing, then you can really understand the skill set the VA will require, as some will be stronger in certain areas than others.
Linked to this is also being vague when you hand over a task. The more detail you can provide, especially at the beginning, the quicker the task will get done. This means your VA can get on with something else for you and it stops the process of endless emails from the VA clarifying task details.
Hiring Anybody
As I have mentioned in a previous blog, the VA market has changed considerably in the last two years. What's really important here, as with any industry, is to make sure that you choose a suitably experienced and qualified Virtual Assistant. Do your due diligence as you would when entering into an agreement with anyone else. Ask questions about experience and qualifications, make sure they have insurance and issue a contract.
A good VA will add value to your business, whereas an inexperienced and unqualified VA may well end up costing you money AND your valuable time.
Poor Communication
This goes both ways. Agreeing at the beginning how you would like to communicate is key and is even more important when working virtually. People like to communicate in a variety of ways, be that Slack, email, WhatsApp, SMS or the many other methods. It’s also important to establish how often you will want check-ins. These maybe more frequently to start with, but might taper off to once per month when you’re in more of an established routine.
Not Having a Contract in Place
A clear contract or agreement is crucial to ensure both you and your VA are aligned on expectations, payment terms, confidentiality, and more. Without a formal agreement, there’s a risk of misunderstandings, leaving you vulnerable if the working relationship doesn’t go as planned. If your VA will be handling personal data, it’s also important that they provide a Data Processing form to ensure compliance with data protection regulations.
My contracts are specifically tailored for Virtual Assistant use and include the following:
Booking Form – This outlines the work, rates, and other essential details.
Data Processing Form – If applicable, this form helps protect personal data and ensures both parties are processing it correctly, in line with relevant laws.
Terms of Business – These define the rights and responsibilities of both parties, along with the conditions under which the business relationship will operate.
Not Reviewing or Adjusting the Workflow
As your business grows, your needs may change. Some business owners fail to review and adjust the working relationship or workflows, leading to inefficiency and dissatisfaction. It’s important to regularly check in with your VA to make sure the tasks are being completed effectively and that the relationship is still working well.
Schedule periodic check-ins to review progress, discuss what’s working and what isn’t, and make adjustments as needed.
Be Open to Change
Yes, it's your own business, but believe it or not, you might not be doing something the most productive way. In some cases, your VA might be able to recommend new software, or help create a process to make a task more efficient. Take it from me there it's hugely frustrating working with a client that doesn't want to change the way they work or the systems they use.
When you’re thinking about hiring a VA for the first time it can be a daunting experience, especially when you don’t have a recommendation from someone for a particular VA. Taking the time to do your due diligence, think about what areas of work you want to hand over and how and when you are going to communicate are really important.
Setting aside time to work on these areas initially will ensure you get the most out of your VA, create a productive relationship that will help your business grow and thrive.
And please remember we're not fairy godmothers!
If you’re not ready to take the plunge with a Virtual Assistant yet you might benefit from a Power Hour. This a practical, focused and tailored session via Zoom where you can pick my brains on a particular topic or we can talk through a specific problem you are facing and come up with a solution.
A Power Hour is basically a really quick blast of my expertise to help you go from stuck to unstuck. Click here for more info.